Prediction of seasonal snow accumulation in cold climate forests
Transformations of snow chemistry in the boreal forest: Accumulation and volatilization
Partitioning drivers of spatial genetic variation for a continuously distributed population of boreal caribou: Implications for management unit delineation
Bioacoustic monitoring of forest songbirds: Interpreter variability and effects of configuration and digital processing methods in the laboratory
Positive Relationships between Association Strength and Phenotypic Similarity Characterize the Assembly of Mixed-Species Bird Flocks Worldwide
Temporal changes in avian abundance in aspen-dominated boreal mixedwood forests of central Saskatchewan, Canada
The Nature of Barred Owl Daytime Roost Sites in Saskatchewan.
Effects of harvesting regimes on carbon and nitrogen dynamics of boreal forests in central Canada: A process model simulation.
Field Use of Isoflurane as an Inhalant Anesthetic in the American Marten (Martes Americana)
Proposal to combine Cree and scientific knowledge for improved moose habitat management on Waswanipi Eeyou Astchee, Northern Quebec