Salvage Logging and Edge Effects on Pill Beetle Abundance (Coleoptera: Byrrhidae)
Effects of Habitat Structure and Lid Transparency on Pitfall Catches
Salvage Logging, Edge Effects, and Carabid Beetles: Connections to Conservation and Sustainable Forest Management
Using Landscape Structure to Classify Grizzly Bear Density in Alberta Yellowhead Ecosystem Bear Management Units
Comprehensive assessment of carbon stocks and fluxes in a Boreal Cordilleran forest management unit
The Barred Owl, Strix varia in Alberta: Distribution and status
Ecological investigations of grizzly bears in Canada using DNA from hair, 1995-2005: A review of methods and progress
Population fragmentation and inter-ecosystem movements of grizzly bears in Western Canada and the Northern United States
Visual and Olfactory Attributes of Artificial Nests
Predator Responses to Similarity and Dispersion of Artificial Nest Sites: Implications for the Structure of Boreal Forest Songbird Communities