Ecosystem-based strategies and innovations in water governance networks for adaptation to climate change in Latin American Landscapes”. Deliverable No. 3.5" Working paper on social dynamics during adaptation planning"
Bosque Modelo:
Cambio climático
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Informe técnico
This deliverable reports on the social dynamics we observed during the adaptation planning activities in each Model Forest (MF). We analyze the change in structure, participation, understanding of the water and development issues faced by the actors targeted by and/or taking part into EcoAdapt adaptation planning activities. We identify key factors that determine how multi-stakeholders platforms such as Model Forests (MF) can effectively engage in adaptation planning that can benefit water resources for local economic development at the scale of the whole territory. More specifically, at the landscape scale, social dynamics and the capacity of these platforms to engage in or lead effective adaptation planning is influenced by - and influcences- factors that determine the formal authority of these platforms such as i) ripeness of an issue that motivate collective action and transformations, ii) extent to which the key stakeholders recognize this formal authority to design and implement with local communities landscape-level planning (i.e. in our case the adaptation actions identified in the correspondent plan); iii) the extent to which on-going institutional processes at other scales are aligned with the objectives and motivations of the platform; iv) financial resources to address water security which influences motivation and engagement among stakeholders. However, we are learning that, besides formal authority, informal authority of these platforms can help collective action also by engaging local stakeholders with formal authority in the planning process. Now that the project has entered a more action-oriented phase it needs to adapt quickly to stakeholders dynamics for greater impact. To that end the contingency plan proved to help in guiding methodological adjustments to tailor the adaptation planning phase to the different social dynamics of each territorial context of the MF.
Información Bibliográfica
Raffaele Vignola, Julián González, Mariela Morales
País :
Palabras claves
Water, BMJ, goverment