Migration Behavior of White-Tailed Deer under Varying Winter Climate Regimes in New Brunswick

Bosque Modelo:



Gestión forestal

Tipo de documento:

Artículo científico


White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) exhibit a variety of migration strategies across northern portions of their range. Factors reported as being responsible for migration initiation have shown no consistent pattern. We monitored 186 radiocollared white-tailed deer from 1994 to 1998 in 2 areas of New Brunswick: a southern area with moderate and variable winter climate and a northern area with consistently severe winter climate. We determined that deer in the south contained a large proportion of conditional migrators (individuals that may or may not migrate to winter range in a given year, and may or may not remain until spring), whereas deer in the north consisted almost entirely of obligate migrators (those that annually migrate to winter range for the duration of winter). Occurrence of conditional migration appeared to be a function of climate variability, although distribution of the behavior among individual deer was influenced by migration distance. Initiation of autumn migration in the south was related to snow depth for most deer and represented a response to the proximate cue of the onset of limiting conditions. Autumn migration in the north appeared to be a response to seasonal cues, and the direct influence of snow depth was reduced. Initiation of spring migration in the 2 study areas showed a similar pattern. Migration distance may represent a factor influencing distribution of migrational cues among individual deer within a population. The effect of winter climate variability on deer migration behavior may account for the disparity in behavior reported in the literature. The differences in migration behavior have implications for deer management surveys in northern areas where deer yarding occurs. Managers have assumed that deer observed during winter surveys were on winter range, but this may not be a reasonable assumption in areas with variable winter climates.

Información Bibliográfica


Sabine, DL, SF Morrison, HA Whitlaw and WB Ballard, GJ Forbes and J Bowman.


Journal of Wildlife Management





País :



718 - 728





Palabras claves

deeryard, migration, movement, New Brunswick, Odocoileus virginianus, white-tailed deer, win